I am excited to share this
Deal Seeking Mom post! I even checked out the formula on previous purchases and it works well. Now I normally try to get TP free with ECB or with RA's $5 from $5/25, but I don't have much of a stockpile using that method with 6 people in the house about 6 months worth is the largest I've had which isn't comforting should something happen. Beth's method shared by Tara would be beneficial to get that initial stockpile up to par then use my current method to keep it going. You want me to stop chattering and share the method now don't you? Here it is:
Total SqF/100 (two decimals over)=Stock Up Price
e.g. 474.5 SqFt/100=$4.745
If the sale price - any coupons makes that pack $4.75 or less it's a good price to stock up!
This formula eliminates the need to figure out exactly what is a "single", "double", "mega" roll because we all know not all singles, or doubles or megas are created equal.
I was just wondering about this today. This is awesome!!
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